Facebook Lead Ads are a new method of advertising and they’ve totally changed the way we generate real estate leads through Facebook pay-per-click. I’ve recorded a quick video to give you a glimpse into the incredible results of one of our new PPC Management members. Check it out!
Here’s an overview of the Facebook Lead Ads campaign…
The Layered Approach
You may have heard the term “layering” used by James McDonald and Craig Proctor. We use it to describe the expansion of your marketing efforts online. In his real estate business, Craig Proctor often had 15-20 different campaigns going at once! By layering his marketing efforts, he was able to reach different target markets and diversify his marketing efforts.
We see a great example of this layering technique with our members who are using Facebook and Google PPC to target buyers and sellers. One of the top Craig Proctor campaigns we run on Facebook for sellers is the Online Home Evaluation.
Check out this screen shot of a Facebook Seller campaign for the Punta Gorda Home Evaluation.

Great Results From This Campaign!!
When it comes to seller leads, Facebook Lead Ads are extremely cost-effective. Normally, the cost of a seller lead can range between $15 – $25 depending on the media. To generate seller leads for under $10 with valid information should get you very excited!
Get More Seller Leads By Targeting Move Up Buyers
Move Up Buyer campaigns present an excellent opportunity to not only generate a higher quality buyer lead, but also a seller.
Take this campaign offering Pool Homes for example. In this market, move up buyers are looking for homes with pools. With Facebook Lead Ads driving traffic to our HDX listing portal, we can craft the perfect campaign to target move up buyers and fulfill their request automatically.

Facebook Lead Ad:
Below is a snapshot of how the SuccessWebsite Facebook ad appears in the newsfeed.

Once the lead is captured within Facebook we fulfill their request with Automatic Delivery of Pool Homes Through HDX:

With our layered approach to Facebook Lead Ads for Sellers and Move Up Buyers, we can generate a steady stream of high quality leads delivered each and every day.
More Leads for Less = Success!!
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”2″ margin_bottom=”2″][testimonial name=”Rebecca%20(Becky)%20Borci” company=”Becky%20Borci%20Realty%20LLC” href=”http%3A%2F%2Fwww.beckyborcirealtyhomes.com%2F” image=”http%3A%2F%2Fcraigproctorsuccesswebsite.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F09%2FBeckyBorci.png”]
Looking to expand on your campaigns and generate more leads for less? We can help!
[button_6 bg=”orange” text=”style5_getstartedtoday.png” align=”center” href=”https://craigproctorsuccesswebsite.com/managed/” new_window=”Y”/]